Chartres 2004, Part 1


Chartres 2004 with One Heart Tours

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A description in (a few) words and (many) pictures



Our groupFrom July 19, 2004 to July 24, 2004 I have been in Chartres, this time with an American group. It was the last and final group tour organized by Robert Ferré.

We stayed in Maison St. Yves, just beside the cathedral.



Stephenie drawing Round tour Ruth and Alys Ruth and Monsieur Bruno
Robert Ferré and Ruth Hanna Lunchtime Dancing circle Dancing circle


There were several lectures by different experts and tours of the cathedral guided by Robert Ferré and John James.


RobertJuly 21, 2004: Happy birthday to Robert (now 60 years young).



More about Robert Ferré on his website ... Link >


The lectures were titled as:

JillSeeing Through the Eyes of the Mystic (Jill Geoffrion)



More about Jill Geoffrion on her website ... Link >


KentSeeing Through the Eyes of the Artist (Kent Schuette)





Sophia Window Window from the American Architects
Northern rosette Western rosette Southern rosette


Jill, Kent, Robert, RuthSeeing Through the Eyes of the Geometer (John James, Robert Ferré, Kent Schuette, Jill Geoffrion)




JohnSeeing Through the Eyes of the Mason (John James)



More about John James on his website ... Link >




